Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Amazing Event for TS Butterflies!!

 Hello Friends!

I just have to share about the amazing "Fairbanks Strikeout for Turner Syndrome" event at the Tampa Bay Rays Tropicana Field Ballpark in St. Petersburg!!

On Sunday, July 28th it was the Disability Pride & Awareness Game for the Tampa Bay Rays and the Turner Syndrome Foundation was there to watch this awesome game!

Pete and Lydia made sure we were all warmly welcomed with hugs for all from Lydia and handshakes from Pete and we even got to meet their two beautiful children, Issaic,  a four year old son and Lottie a two year old daughter.  Such a wonderful and loving family!   They lost their third child to complications from Turner Syndrome at 19 weeks gestation and they decided to take their pain and turn it into something beautiful for all of the Turner Syndrome girls and women out there.  They are not only bringing awareness of TS to the world, but also fundraising for the Turner Syndrome Foundation so that it can continue to educate families, the medical field and the educational field of the many ways that TS can affect individuals with TS throughout their lifetimes!

The Fairbanks treated us to a Luxury Suite in the Stadium with food, drinks and a bird's eye view of the playing field!  We couldn't have asked for a better day!  It was an exciting game with Pete winning the game with the final strike out!

I, for one,  feel so blessed to have had a small part in all of this!  It was an absolutely wonderful event and game and I cannot thank the Fairbanks Family enough for their generosity!

Thanks for stopping by!


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